Sunday, July 15, 2012

We. Made. It.

Oh my word!  What a journey it has been!  So much to tell along the way, but suffice it to say....WE MADE IT!  We moved across the country, leaving behind dear friends, and are home now closer to our families!  We are now in the process of getting settled...trying to put down our roots as fast as they will grow.  School, doctors, dentists, church, grocery stores, gas stations, hair dressers, etc.....we are learning our way around and getting it done!
Since it has been a crazy few weeks, we decided we all needed a we went to the fair!  We had a blast!  It has been literally years since I have been to a fair and I forgot just how much fun they are!  I figured I would throw some pics up here for you to see :)

 Here I am with my oldest daughter, Dianna.  We are at the top of the Ferris Wheel, and no, I don't like heights.  Actually I HATE heights.  But I sucked it up and got over it long enough to enjoy a family moment at the fair.  If you look close, you can see I am gripping Dianna's leg and the side of bucket!  :/
 Here's my handsome hubby and our other two, Maddy and Sam.  Clearly they are a little more relaxed than I was, lol!
 Only my California kids would be so impressed by Bessie the pregnant cow!  Gotta get them out more, hehe!
One of the many rides my hubby took the girls on.  We learned there are pros and cons to not having to stand in line for rides....Pros: there's no lines....Cons: there's no recuperation time between crazy spinning rides to let your stomach settle!  They literally would get off one ride and walk right on to the next! Needless to say...their ride experience was limited this year....lesson learned to pace yourself (at least no one got sick!!)